Periodontal Regeneration is a treatment that leads to a more stable tooth and a more aesthetic gum line. Gum disease is a very stubborn condition and sometimes it is not possible to achieve complete gum health through Supportive Periodontal Care or Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal alone. In some cases it is possible to stabilise and regenerate the bone around a tooth.
During your appointment, a local anaesthetic injection will be placed into the gum next to the teeth being treated. When the gum and teeth are completely numb, the gum pocket is gently lifted to allow direct access to remove the plaque and calculus below the gum line using the most advanced ultrasonic equipment. A regenerative material like Emdogain® (a protein based gel containing Amelogenin) or Cerabone® (a natural bovine bone substitute) is placed into the bone defect. Finally the gum is replaced with a few small stitches allowing for a tighter gum pocket.