It can be difficult to determine how long Invisalign will take to straighten your smile without examining your teeth and bite, especially when no two bites are the same. Some patients might need fewer aligner courses than others.
That said, the more crooked your teeth, the larger the gaps and the bigger the bite problem, the longer you can expect to wear your aligners.
Gapped teeth: With gaps between the teeth, or in diastema cases, if the gaps are small (less than 1mm), treatment is quick and effortless, whereas moderate to severe gaps will require longer wear time.
Tooth crowding and overcrowding: Minor cases involving only a few teeth can be completed often in under three months, whereas crooked teeth seen throughout the mouth, which is more severe, can take up to a year to correct.
Other factors that determine the length of treatment often come down to compliance and age.
If you straighten your teeth while you’re still a teenager, treatment can often be quicker as the teeth are still developing. Compliance will also dictate how fast your teeth will straighten.
The longer you wear your aligners, the better. Not wearing your aligners as directed will 9/10 result in an extended treatment duration.