The most proven aligner technology to straighten teeth

Invisalign uses state-of-the-art and virtually invisible patented aligners, which can straighten teeth comfortably in as little as 3 months.

Working by gently and gradually moving teeth into their correct positions, Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that are custom-designed and made to bring your smile into perfect alignment in a set amount of time.

Book a consultation with an Orthodontist for £85 with Platinum Invisalign Providers.

Choosing Neyo Dental:

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  • Specialist orthodontists with 20 years experience
  • Over 5,000 straighter and whiter teeth
  • Platinum Providers of Invisalign
  • Available in Burgess Hill, Tunbridge Wells & Brighton

Who can use Invisalign?

Can Invisalign straighten your smile?

Invisalign is not limited to one set or type of aligners. It’s not a one-size-fits-all model.

Not only are the aligners custom-fitted to your teeth, but there are different types, each with varying treatment lengths to target different bite problems.

For example, the fastest versions of Invisalign are Invisalign Express (formerly i7) and Invisalign Lite, which promise to straighten very mild bite problems and conditions like gaps between teeth between 2 and 6 months.

Using Invisalign Moderate or Comprehensive, we can correct more complex conditions like overbites, crossbites, open bites, and underbites.

Treatment times can vary between 6 and 18 months.

Our orthodontists can also use types of Invisalign, like Invisalign First or Phase I treatment, for early intervention treatment in children to aid in correcting the development of growing mouths.

Book a consultation for £85.

Invisalign treatments available

Learn the differences between each Invisalign system:

How much does Invisalign cost?

Our prices:

Invisalign costs £1,990 for one arch at Neyo Dental using the lightest system and £2,990 if you want to straighten two rows of teeth. With Invisalign, there are no hidden costs, additional fees or surprises.

The price often includes everything you need for your entire treatment, like your series of aligners, cleaning equipment and retainers.

Patients can also choose to spread the cost of their treatment using 0% dental finance over 12 months, which means you can pay as low as £165.83 per month.

Representative example
£1,990.00 over 12 months would cost you £165.83 per month at a representative 0.0% APR.

Invisalign FAQs

Learn how Invisalign works, how long it takes and your alternative options

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign uses a series of custom-made aligners that gradually apply pressure to comfortably move your teeth into their correct position. Each set of aligners will be worn for around a week before replacing the next set in the series once teeth have moved. Learn more.

Invisalign technology uses 3D imaging and computer-aided design (CAD) software to create your journey to a straighter, more uniform smile. It will create a step-by-step treatment plan that outlines how your teeth will gradually move and reposition during treatment and with each aligner change.

During your initial consultation for Invisalign, which is £85, our orthodontist, Dr Neil Woodhouse, will take digital impressions using Invisalign’s 3D scanner to create a virtual model of your teeth and a roadmap of how they’ll move each week. Here, you’ll see your new smile at each stage and the result, and learn how long it will take and the cost.

How long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth?

How long Invisalign takes will depend on the condition of your bite. If you have minor or mild problems, like slightly crooked teeth or gaps, then you can expect Invisalign to be effective between 2 and 6 months. Learn more.

If you’re closing gaps between teeth with Invisalign, the aligner moves 0.2mm with every tray, so if your gap is 0.6 mm large, Invisalign will take three months.

However, most patients we meet use Invisalign to correct more complex bite problems like overcrowding, crooked teeth or overbites – and these cases can expect a treatment time no faster than 9 months.

Is Invisalign the best aligner system?

Invisalign has its technology and patented materials and attachments, and while it might be the most Googled and used type, it’s not always the best type for straightening teeth.

Finding the right clear aligner system for you will depend on your budget, lifestyle, and orthodontic issues.

For example, you might not be able to afford Invisalign when an alternative and similar aligner system can offer the same benefits but for a lower cost.

Comfort and aesthetics might also be non-negotiable, so you’ll choose a system based on the thinnest aligners. If that’s the case, then you might want to consider alternatives like Neyo Pro Align, which is thinner, faster, and more cost-effective.

Orthodontic consultation

Whatever your specifications, it’s always best to consult with an orthodontist who can advise you on the best system for the results you want to achieve. And seeing the incredible results first-hand and knowing the benefits of clear aligners, our orthodontists at Neyo Dental can help you find the most suitable brand. Book a consultation for £85.

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