Invisible clear aligners can provide your child with one more reason to smile – Invisalign is confidence.
The difference with Invisalign is that you can get the smile you want the way you want. Using advanced 3D imaging technology, we can accurately pinpoint exactly how your teen’s smile will look at each stage of treatment.
- Invisalign works faster: Easy results in as little as 6 months.
- Invisalign feels better: Less painful braces and more comfortable to wear.
- Invisalign is accepted: Discreet, invisible aligners that’s not stigmatized.
- Invisalign lets you be you: Whether you’re eating or playing sports, remove the aligners needed.
Book an orthodontic consultation with Neyo Dental’s specialist orthodontist, Dr Neil Woodhouse, for £85. Dr Woodhouse works across three dental practices in Burgess Hill, Brighton and Tunbridge Wells.