Upper Removable Braces (URA)

When you hear removable braces, you might initially think of clear aligners like Invisalign, but that’s not the type of braces we’re referring to.

As specialist orthodontists, we provide many orthodontic treatments suitable for bite problems and malocclusions. Removable braces, or upper removable braces (URA), are one type we often recommend in child and teen cases, where the jaws are still growing and can be easily adjusted.

Upper Removable Braces cost from £800 at any of our three clinics in Burgess Hill, Brighton or Tunbridge Wells. Put the future of your child’s or teen’s smile in the right hands.

Book a consultation for £85 today with specialist orthodontist Dr Woodhouse below:

What are Upper Removable Braces?

Suitable for simple malocclusions that focus on one or more teeth

Upper Removable Braces, or URA, as we’ll refer to them, use metal orthodontic plates that fit on top of the upper teeth and palate. The plates gradually move the teeth into their correct positions.

Our orthodontists mostly recommend URAs to treat minor to moderate problems, such as:

  • Moving the teeth horizontally to correct a crossbite
  • Widening the upper jaw
  • Correcting the bite or reducing an overbite
  • Tipping the teeth into the right position

URAs might not be your best bet in cases requiring more complex orthodontic attention. Our dentists might instead recommend fixed braces to straighten more challenging cases. They are better targeted for patients who do not require fixed orthodontic appliances as their case requires only minor tooth movement.

Treatment overview

URA Braces clinical profile:

  • Treatment time: Takes around 3-9 months
  • Wear time: 24/7 only removed to eat and clean
  • Adjustments: Patients might use a key to expand the appliance weekly or adjust the brace regularly at scheduled appointments.
  • Suitable for: Children, teens and adults (but mostly children and teens)
  • Cost: From £800

When wearing a URA brace for the first time, getting used to the appliance can take a few days.

For example, initially, you might speak with a lisp, but this is normal as your mouth adjusts and you get used to the appliance (the same can often be reported with Invisalign).

The first few days you wear the appliance, too, you’ll experience some slight discomfort after it’s fitted as your teeth prepare to move.

Removable Braces FAQ

Guide to removable braces

What patients and parents should know about metal removable braces and what they should expect from the treatment:

What do URA braces look like?

URA Braces are removable orthodontic plates which fit over the upper teeth. They’re made from plastic or acrylic plates with wires and springs, which our orthodontists will use to move teeth.

Are removable braces effective?

You shouldn’t doubt the effectiveness of removable braces because our orthodontists only recommend them in particular cases where they will be effective for your type of tooth movement or bite problem. This is because URA braces are only suitable for certain cases and patients. In contrast, other removable options, like clear aligners, are more versatile because they can be used for various malocclusion cases.

Do you eat with removable braces in?

With typical clear aligner brands like Invisalign, you’ll take your aligners out to eat. The same is true for Upper Removable Braces. You should remove them to eat to keep the appliance intact and ensure proper oral hygiene.

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