Life-Changing Missing Teeth Treatments

As leading prosthodontists, we know that missing teeth are more than just a cosmetic issue – they significantly impact a patient’s oral health, overall function and, most importantly, quality of life.

We can help patients with:

  • A missing front tooth
  • A missing back tooth
  • Multiple missing teeth in a row
  • Teeth missing in different areas of the mouth
  • A full mouth of missing teeth

How to fix missing teeth permanently

We offer several tailored solutions to replace missing teeth, whether it’s individual teeth or for edentulous cases. Edentulism refers to total tooth loss of permanent teeth.

Solutions for individual tooth loss

If you don’t want partial dentures, single dental implants are the best option. They cost from £2,700, including the titanium post (the implant itself), abutment, and dental crown (the fake tooth).

Single implants are placed under local anaesthetic chairside. They are a two-stage procedure: first, we place the titanium post, allow it to heal, and then attach the fake tooth. The total time for this treatment is around 3-6 months.

Single dental implants last 15-20 years, but some might last longer (some successful up to 30 years).

Solutions for multiple missing teeth

If you have several missing teeth in a row, traditionally, you might have been prescribed dental bridges. This cost-effective solution prevents remaining teeth from shifting out of place.

The bridge is attached to neighbouring teeth on either side of the gap and uses crowns in between to replace the lost teeth.

However, they’re more invasive because they require the adjacent teeth to be filed down and replaced with crowns for better stability.

However, combining dental bridges with implants can avoid this. Implant-supported bridges can replace two teeth with one implant or up to four teeth using two.

Solutions for a full mouth of missing teeth

For patients wanting to avoid traditional dentures that rely on suction and cover the palate, our specialists can offer an improved fixed solution using All-on-4 dental implants (same-day full-mouth rehabilitation that doesn’t require an abundance of bone).

Dr Keyhnai will work with our talented implant dentist, Dr Wadher, who will place around 4-6 implants per jaw, which can hold between 10 and 14 natural-looking fake teeth.

These fixed dentures offer the least degree of movement and keep the palate exposed, allowing you to enjoy your food without limits and restore taste sensations.

Other cost-effective alternatives we can recommend include implant-retained dentures, which attach to around three implants and are removable.

Customised solutions for missing teeth

One fact you need to know about Neyo Dental is that we’re not ordinary dentists.

We’re specialists—not dentists with a special interest in missing teeth treatments but dentists with additional training and education to specialise in them.

For our patients, this means that our skills in crafting unique prosthetics result in devices that not only look and feel natural but also improve function in the long term.

Fix missing teeth without implants

  • Partial dentures from £550
  • Complete dentures from £950
  • Chrome dentures from £1,250
  • Dental bridges from £1,550

Over the years, patients have been moving away from traditional tooth replacement treatments like dentures and bridges because they’re not always the best long-term solution. These prosthetic devices do little to preserve the underlying bone, resulting in facial sagging over time.

Plus, denture patients know how their gums shrink and how often their dentures need to be altered to prevent them from slipping out of place or falling out.

Dental implants are today’s preferred solution, but they’re not always right for every patient. We wouldn’t be expert missing teeth dentists if we didn’t offer a full range of customizable solutions to restore aesthetics and function.

Consult with our specialists today to discover the optimal solution and prosthetic device in the long term.

Choose specialist care

Replace teeth right the first time

As tooth loss experts, we know how losing teeth can damage oral structure and health.

For example, tooth loss often results in teeth shifting out of their positions and bone loss, which changes the facial and jaw structure over time, making it harder for patients to eat, chew, and speak properly and comfortably.

Specialising in providing tailored solutions and dental prostheses like crowns, bridges, dentures, and dental implants to replace missing teeth means we can restore the look of your smile, maintain proper alignment, support jaw health, and improve overall dental function.

Problems with missing teeth

What patients should know

Ignoring gaps in the mouth caused by lost teeth puts patients at risk of greater and broader health problems, so it’s crucial to replace missing teeth as soon as possible to preserve your oral state.

Bone loss

Missing teeth eventually lead to a breakdown of bone in the jaw (often within six months of losing a tooth). This is because the natural roots, which were once embedded into your jaw, are no longer there. This adds pressure on surrounding teeth, which must bear the weight of additional biting force.

A high percentage of patients with missing teeth experience bone loss.

Once the bone is lost, it doesn’t grow back, which not only wreaks havoc on your oral condition but also creates a barrier to treatment. For example, superior restoration techniques that use dental implants might now not be possible without prior bone grafting—this is because dental implants, which act like artificial tooth roots, need to fuse with the bone for long-term stability.

Gum pain where the teeth are missing

When a tooth is no longer present, the surrounding gum tissue loses much of its natural protection from food debris and bacteria, which increases the risk of gum disease development.

Tooth loss can inflame the gum, which in turn contributes to a reduction in the jawbone density. If depleted so low, this can cause other teeth to become loose, wobbly, and unstable.

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