Prosthetics that act, look and feel just like normal teeth

Neyo Dental is not your typical dental practice. We’re a specialist clinic, which makes us the experts in replacing missing teeth and offering advanced treatments like dental implants to restore your smile’s function.

As specialist prosthodontists, we also work with dental bridges and dentures for patients needing traditional alternatives to repair their smiles.

Whether you have a single missing tooth or a full mouth of missing teeth, you’ll want to see our talented prosthodontist, Dr Niki Keyhani, whose skills in custom-creating prosthetics stand out from the crowd. Dr Keyhani’s restorations look natural and provide optimal long-term function.

Working closely with our prosthodontist

Complex cases

While general dentists can mostly handle basic restorative treatments like fillings and simple crown placement, prosthodontists, like Dr Keyhani, excel in managing complicated cases, such as those where multiple teeth are missing or in cases of severe decay, tooth wear, and erosion.

With an emphasis on durability and treatments that stand the test of time, Dr Keyhani’s restorative solutions withstand natural biting forces and the effects of everyday wear and tear.

As a specialist, patients can tell the difference during treatment planning, where part of Dr Keyhani’s process is to carefully consider all restoration options and how they will affect the overall health of your jaw and bite, ensuring that you can smile confidently for decades to come.

Dental prostheses we offer

We're experts in creating all kinds of dental prostheses to replace and repair damaged, failing and missing teeth
Dental crowns

Dental crowns (also known as dental caps) are a type of restoration typically recommended in cases where a dental cavity is too large to be fixed with a dental filling. They’re also used in dental implant treatments as artificial teeth.

Dental bridges

Traditional dental bridges bridge the gap in your mouth caused by tooth loss. The bridge is anchored to a false tooth (typically a crown) on either side of the gap.

Single dental implants

A single dental implant replaces a lost tooth using a titanium post that acts like an artificial tooth root. The post restores full function and appearance and ultimately supports the underlying bone.

Implant-supported bridges

Like traditional bridges, an implant-supported bridge replaces missing teeth in a row by bonding fake teeth to one or more dental implants placed on either side of the gap without the need to damage otherwise healthy adjacent teeth.

Full-mouth dental implants

We can use three to six dental implants per jaw to anchor a full prosthetic of artificial teeth (10 to 14), usually with a hybrid bridge or denture. Fixed and removable solutions are available (often called palateless dentures).


Dentures are the traditional tooth replacement method. They either rely on suction to stay in place or metal clasps in cases of partial tooth loss.

Tooth replacement costs

It's a misconception that treatment with a specialist for tooth loss costs more. But that's not the case. Neyo Dental was founded to provide patients in West and East Sussex with a better alternative to standard treatments by offering specialist care for the same price.

Our fees

Sometimes, patients might perceive that specialist treatment for tooth loss costs more than choosing to replace their teeth with dentists with a special interest.

With us, you won’t spend more money on the same treatments – you’ll have access to a dentist who specialises in replacing missing teeth, as opposed to one with a special interest. That’s the Neyo difference.

All restorative procedures are carried out under local anaesthetic. However, if you’re a nervous patient, don’t worry.

You can request conscious dental sedation, which will help you relax and feel more at ease during your procedure. Sedation costs £400.

Why prosthodontists are better

Choosing us

  • General dentists or dentists with a special interest in prosthodontics have not undergone further training or education to be considered experts. Our dentists, in comparison, are trained experts in fitting durable, functional prosthetics.
  • We’ve undergone three additional years of postgraduate training, which means we can confidently and expertly treat complex restorative cases that might involve a combination of procedures.
  • Our prosthodontists are also trained to blend cosmetic dentistry with restorative dentistry seamlessly. When repairing your smile, our cosmetically trained eyes help us achieve a better level of aesthetics by flawlessly blending your restoration with your existing teeth.
  • Prosthodontists also specialise in multidisciplinary treatment planning, as it’s common in complex restorative cases to work with other specialists, such as orthodontists, periodontists, and oral surgeons, to ensure the patient receives the best result.

Contact Neyo


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