Invisalign for Adults Burgess Hill Invisalign for Adults Burgess Hill

Invisalign for Adults Burgess Hill

Treatment Outline

Invisalign Treatment for Adults in Burgess Hill

Suitable for


Used to Treat

Crooked teeth, gappy teeth, open bites, underbites, crossbites

Treatment Time

4-18 months depending on complexity

Not suitable for

Those who think they may forget to wear the aligners

More about this treatment

Adult Invisalign in Burgess Hill information

Invisalign for adults in Burgess Hill has led the way in revolutionising adult orthodontic treatment, and now adults of all ages are coming forward ready to transform their smile. Teeth straightening and orthodontic treatment was not very common in adults until quite recently. The bulky appearance of metal fixed braces was a significant barrier for most.

Initially we used Invisalign to correct mild cases of crooked teeth and overcrowding. As the technology has advanced, and as orthodontists have been gaining experience and expertise in aligner therapy, there now isn’t much we won’t take on with Invisalign. For many patients, Invisalign is actually the preferred appliance ahead of fixed metal or clear braces.

Invisalign works by wearing a series of clear plastic aligners, that gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Like any orthodontic appliance, they work by applying a constant gentle force to your teeth, which instigates a biological reaction in the jaw bones which allows the teeth to move through the bone.

After your initial consultation with your specialist orthodontist, you will have a series of records that include x-rays, photographs and a 3D digital scan using our iTero scanner. This all gets sent off to Invisalign to produce a bespoke treatment plan that will be reviewed and modified by your orthodontist. This plan is developed on the Invisalign software and is called a Clincheck.

Once we have all agreed upon the plan and are happy with the proposed results, we will approve the Clincheck and ask Invisalign to manufacture the aligners. After this planning process, which takes approximately 4 weeks, we are ready to get started.

On the day we start you Invisalign treatment, we will fit ‘attachments’ to your teeth. These are small tooth-coloured bumps made from composite resin. They are used to help the aligners grip to your teeth and enhance the effectiveness of the Invisalign treatment. Placement is a straightforward and painless process. The attachments will remain on your teeth until the end of the Invisalign treatment.

We will then fit your first aligners and make sure you are happy taking them out and putting them back in. We go through aftercare instructions with you and will normally give you approximately 6 aligners to take home and work your way through, changing to a new aligner each week.

The aligners must be worn for 20 to 22 hours every single day. Anything less than this will likely compromise the final result. They are just removed for eating, cleaning, and drinking anything other than plain water.

You will normally have to return every 6 to 8 weeks for your orthodontist to monitor the progress of your Invisalign treatment. Once you reach the end of your treatment your orthodontist will examine your teeth and have a discussion with you to decide whether further aligners are required to perfect the result. If a decision is made to continue with further treatment, a new digital iTero scan will be taken and sent to Invisalign to allow us to create some additional aligners. These refinements a routine part of any Invisalign treatment plan and are included in the cost of your treatment.

Once you are happy with the result, we will plan to finish off your orthodontic treatment. On the last day your orthodontist will remove all of the attachments and will fit your retainers, so you are ready to go and show off your new smile!

Our experts' work

Invisalign for Adults Before and After

Treatment Prices

Invisalign for Adults Burgess Hill Cost

At Neyo, clarity and honesty are at the forefront of our services. Any fees for treatments would likely be confirmed at the consultation stage, but we can provide this generalised breakdown of cost:




from £3490

Further information you may need

Invisalign for Adults FAQs

Is Invisalign suitable for every orthodontic problem?

Invisalign can now be used for a wide range of orthodontic problems and is often used to tackle even the most severe and complex issues. Like any orthodontic appliance Invisalign has its strengths and weaknesses and there are certain types of tooth movements that Invisalign struggles with. Even in these cases we may still be able to use Invisalign because our experienced orthodontist can incorporate elements from other types of braces so you can benefit from the best each appliance has to offer.

Will I need to wear a retainer after Invisalign treatment?

Yes, a retainer is usually necessary to maintain the new position of your teeth. There will always be a possibility that your teeth will move in the future and we therefore advise long term retention. We try to use both fixed bonded retainers in addition to back up night time retainers although they may not be suitable for every patient.

Can I eat and drink with the aligners in?

No, you should remove the aligners before eating or drinking anything other than plain water. Consuming food or drink with the aligners in place can damage the teeth and may lead to staining.

How often should I wear the aligners?

For optimal results, it is recommended to wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, removing them only for eating, drinking and cleaning you teeth. Consistency in wearing the aligners is essential to ensure the treatment progresses as planned.

Are the aligners painful to wear?

Most people experience some temporary discomfort or pressure when they start wearing a new set of aligners. This is a normal part of the teeth-moving process, but the discomfort typically subsides within a few days as your teeth adjust.

What are the advantages of Invisalign over tradition fixed braces.

The main benefit of Invisalign is the superior aesthetics it offers over traditional braces. The aligners are barely visible and most people won’t notice that you are wearing them. In addition to the aesthetic benefits, Invisalign is also generally more comfortable then fixed braces. The forces placed on the teeth are lighter and the aligners are nice and smooth compared to fixed prices. Breakages are rare with Invisalign and this may be in part because the aligners are removed for eating where fixed braces cannot be. Cleaning is also easier with Invisalign as the aligners are removed for cleaning in contrast to fixed braces where cleaning has to be worked around appliance.

What are chewies?

Aligner chewies are small cylindrical foam or rubber-like accessories used during Invisalign treatment. They play a role in ensuring proper seating and fit of the aligners on the teeth. The primary purpose of aligner chewies is to help fully seat the aligners against the teeth. When you put on a new set of aligners, using chewies helps to improve the fit and ensure the aligners are properly seated. You can bite and chew on the chewie for a few minutes in different areas of your mouth to ensure all areas of the aligners are properly seated. Using chewies can help in achieving a more precise fit of the aligners. They aid in seating the aligners fully over the teeth, which promotes effective tooth movement and can reduce the chance of air gaps between the aligners and the teeth.

Is Invisalign more expensive than fixed braces?

You might be surprised to learn that there is very little difference in the cost between traditional fixed braces and Invisalign.

I change aligners every week, do I have to come to the clinic every week?

No. We will normally give you 6-8 aligners to take home and work through yourself, changing them every week. We are of course more than happy to see you sooner if there are any problems.

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Invisalign for Adults in Burgess Hill Specialists


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